Fourth Prize for Dr. Abushammala
A Fourth Prize Awarded to Dr. Abushammala by the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Ökologiepreis der Sigrid-und-Viktor-Dulger-Stiftung 2017
Isolierende Schäume aus europäischen Nadelholz-Tanninen mit hervorragenden Eigenschaften
Eine Nachricht von der Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe (FNR) über das Projekt "BioFoamBark"
A Second Prize for Dr. Hatem Abushammala: Hansjürg-Steinlin-Preis 2016
Dr. Hatem Abushammala was awarded the Hansjürg-Steinlin-Preis 2016 by the Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources for his doctoral thesis “Ionic Liquid-Mediated Technologies for the Extraction of Nanocellulose Directly from Wood”.
NFZ meeting in Freiburg
From the 29th of February to the 1st of March 2016 researchers from Nancy (France), Zürich (Switzerland) and Freiburg (Germany) met for a graduate stuent workshop on "Nanocellulose and Wood Functional Materials".